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Friday, July 29, 2005

The Half-Blood Prince

Book Review
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
by J. K. Rowling

It is amazing how the story has grown so much over the years. The formula is still the same, however. Harry stays at the Dursleys during school break, then he is picked up and brought to stay at (or with) the Weasleys for awhile. He then goes to Diagon Alley to pick up some things for the upcoming wizarding school period. Soon after, the school period starts, with visits to Hogsmeade, and the story will arrive at it's climax when the school period is about to end. Along the way, things happen that give hints on the elements that will be concluded during the climax of the story. The significant difference is how darker and more brooding the three main characters have become. Granted, they're still kids, but circumstances have driven them to be tougher than average kids. Or at least, that's how I think it is.

Having almost the same formula in storyline for 6 books in a row is not exactly a bad thing, however. Try telling that it's a bad thing to J. K. Rowling and she only has to show the amount of money she has in her bank accounts. It's been an easy and joyful read up until now. The story is not terribly complex, but it serves the book's purpose of entertaining mostly young (and also in many cases, adult) minds.

I must say that I give credits to Rowling for hinting by the end of the book that the 7th and last installment of the series will seem to have a completely different storyline formula. So, write on Rowling. I can't wait to see what you will serve for us in book 7.


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