Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Fever Strikes

Woke up around 10.30 this morning. Waited for awhile until all the life of me came back into this not-so-young-anymore body of mine, and started exercising at around 12. Took me about an hour to finish the exercise. And after that, fever broke inside my body.

You know a fever is coming when all the joints in your body start to hurt, and your body starts to shiver. Drank panadol, get myself some sleep, and all the while hating the fever because if it weren't for that, I would have been on my way to PS to watch 'House of Flying Daggers'. I hope the movie would still be around by next week. I gotta watch it in the theater, no matter what. Fell in love with Zhang Yimou's 'Hero', and I figured I gotta watch this one too, since Zhang Yimou made it. And I didn't mind watching it alone by myself. Sad, isn't it?

Tried to continue some calculations for my thesis. Ran into a problem. I really need to ask my lecturer on this, while thinking 'bout other alternatives to solve the problem.

Continued reading 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman. An interesting piece of work. Played 'Viewtiful Joe' for awhile too, using a new character I just unlocked a couple of days ago.

Watched Alien vs Predator. The picture's quality was still bad. It was okay. I'd give it 2.5 out of 5. Just another mindless Hollywood junk, and it was so-so. Well, at least I didn't have to work my brain too much watching that movie.

Body started to shiver again late in the evening. Drank another tablet of panadol. Worked like a charm. But still, head still felt heavy, stomach's felt like a witch's cauldron, and eye-view seemed distant. Signs of bloody fever. I could only wish that it was only a common fever. Body's too tired, did too much exercise, pushed myself too far, and didn't eat enough food. Getting a blood check tomorrow, ain't gonna like the blade piercing my finger, but it won't hurt that much.


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