Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Friday, August 20, 2004


Another ordinary day. All I could remember was getting an e-mail from PDPM saying that they hadn't received my fax. So I faxed again the transfer sheet, mailed them telling that I had resent the transfer sheet through fax. Waited the whole day. No words.

Tried playing Grand Theft Auto. Stealing cars, driving taxis, running over innocent (and not-so-innocent) pedestrians, being a model criminal in a virtual world. Too bad the CD was a bit busted. Error kept poppin' up. Decided to give it up for now and buy a new copy later.

Oh yeah, went online, met a couple of friend. One of 'em was my ex. Ha ha ha, she's a wild one, alright. I was bored at that moment. She suggested partying, hooking up with a chic, having a one-night-stand, and waking up on someone else's bed (this suggestion's so her). Yep, she's a wild one alright. Ya just can't tie a leash around her. Won't work.

Well, I told her that's a grand plan. Would take a lot of guts (at least for me), but then again if I were drunk, probably guts is optional. Well, she said for me not to get too drunk coz I'd probably want to remeber how she is. Ha ha ha, I could only say that probably I'd give it a try. But I don't think I'm that kind of person. Maybe.

Well, that's all for this Thursday. So boring.


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