Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

SMS Chat Log

SPT (22:37):
Busy tomorrow?

AAS (22:43):
Yeah, work. Can u blieve me? Shit.

SPT (22:40):
Wow. On a Sunday? What happened to freedom of religion?

AAS (22:45):
Freedom and religion. Contradiction.

SPT (22:43):
Well, someone's feeling blasphemous tonight. There is freedom in religion. Feel free to burn at the stake. Btw, watching this bali shit?

AAS (22:48):
Not yet, but I heard bout it. Damn, man. Another one. WTF do they want anyways...How bad is it? G msh di jln ma Mike

SPT (22:47):
6 bombs or something. Bunch more disarmed before explosion. Simultaneous. Dozen dead so far. What they want? 70 virgins.

**end of conversation**


  • At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok..wat's wit the "70 virgins" comments and terrorism? I see another blog, my sis's friends blog (which is brilliantly funny I think) that quoted similar thing. 70 virgins..wats up with that? someone pls enlightened me on this unimportant subject..:P
    here is the blog:

    check out the Osama's diary


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