Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Friday, April 15, 2005


You know, it was like one of those sobering moments, the ones that make you realize something about yourself. And it hit hard, pretty hard.

One could only hurt oneself if one put one's well being in the hands of others. And one's well being should not depend on others. It's one's to nurture, it's in one's control. The decision to be content is in one's hands. Something that I gotta learn how to do better.

Simple isn't it? A simple truth. But hard to accept. Maybe all I need is to surrender. Just let it all go. Come to think of it, I don't really have anything in this world but myself.

You reap what you sow. There you go. Probably a bad fruit or two are bound to come out once in awhile. All I gotta do is not eat them.


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