Saturday Night
So, here I am in one of
Work’s been tough lately. With the deadline getting ever nearer, the tasks have become harder and more tedious. Lots of things to be done, lots of things to be fixed. But that’s work. There will always be more of ‘em. Just when you think that it’s over, comes your colleague/supervisor asking you to do more work. More issues and stuff, y’know?
But, damn, that’s not the point though. I’m just chillin’ here, having some ME time (yeah, thanks for the term, Ven, it seems that I’ll be using that more often now ha ha ha). And I should declare right now before it’s too late that this entry is probably the worst I’ve ever made. With the DJ right across from the table and the music blaring in my ears, it’s kinda hard to concentrate. But it’s not everyday that you could pull out your laptop and start typing away in the middle of a mal (even though it’s company’s laptop but, still, people don’t know that). And you guys probably have guess that since there’s no wi-fi around here, this entry must’ve been posted later after this…event.
Oh well, so I’m just to y’all, that after a hard day’s work (and on a weekend to boot), it’s just nice to reward myself with a LARGE cup of ice cream and just chillin’.
Oh my God, this entry sucks. Big time. Oh well… I just wanna write, and I don’t care if it suck….
(P. S: Got a bad case of diarrhea and fever the day after, thanks to Dairy Queens’ Peanut Buster Parfait. But at least I didn’t have to go to work he he he).
At 5:45 PM,
Miss Lai Lai said…
hahah! Bad case of diarhea eh? I sure won't be eating the icecream as recommended. But then again, it could be the case of you greedy and eager on the ice cream and ate too much!!! hehehe...!
PS: Yeah, ME time is great, it's the best bro!
At 8:31 PM,
Miss Lai Lai said… more thing. Even when you think your writing sucks, you still entertain us Rie. So keep em' coming..keep the ball rolling. Just write about anything..even yourself (yes, we know how much you love YOU! j/k:P). just dont make us throw up ok =P
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