Australian Vacation (Tuesday, September 14 2004)
I woke up in the morning to the sound of my mom yelling at my youngest servant. Apparently, she went out of the house without notifying my other servant and without closing the door. My mom found out about it and she got angry. It could be said that my mom is a very reliable alarm clock. I would almost always wake up in the morning hearing her yelling and being upset about something. What a great way to start a day, huh? Well, that'll give you a description about how women might be when they're above 50 years old. Cranky. Y'know, fine, it's not fair to generalize. At least I know that's how my mom is. And just in case it turns out that that's how most women are, I gotta prepare. Ear plugs, for example. He he he.
Today is the day when I must visit my Grandma. She lives in Bandung most of the time. But she comes to Jakarta once in a while. She usually stays in my auntie's place whenever she comes to Jakarta. My auntie and her younger sister (also my auntie, of course) lives in that house. But my auntie (the older one) mostly stays in Sydney, Australia, with her husband and their two daughters (my cousins). She usually comes back to Jakarta twice in a year. Her younger sister (as I've said, also my auntie) stays in the house all the time, or at least whenever she's not on a business trip to Europe. She works in the fashion industry. It is interesting, getting to know a part of the family that you didn't realize you have until about 3 years ago. That, of course, is a story worth telling. But not for now.
So, I found myself on the way to my auntie's place with my mom. We were meeting my grandma because later that day she would be leaving for Australia. She's staying there for about 2 months, if I'm not mistaken. I felt drowsy all the time, due to lack of sleep. When we arrived, my grandma was already waiting for us. She gave us some chocolate and this orange-flavoured cheese, said those were from my Australian auntie. We talked about lots of stuff. Actually, my mom and my grandma did. I was quiet most of the time. Drowsy and sleepy. My grandma laughed seeing my sleepy face. She served us some drinks and some snacks (peanuts, my fave). After about an hour, we left her, wishing her a great time in Australia. I sent my regards to my two beautiful cousins through her. She must be excited to see her two granddaughters again.
The driver dropped my mother at her campus, she was giving a lecture at 12.30. The driver dropped me home. I went surfing the web, checking lots of unread emails, and since I was still drowsy, I slept most of the rest of the day. In the evening, I started on chapter 4 of my thesis. The calculations was more than halfway done, and I started putting the result in writing. The finance book I asked my cousin in America to buy had arrived and I started reading it. It was easier to understand than the previous two text books I had used for my thesis.
Later in the night I typed my blog, mostly about my trip to Puncak. I replied a couple of emails. Since I was feeling drowsy all day I didn't say much. Well, I'm still feeling drowsy when I type this. But then again, for me sleep is always welcomed. I turned in for the night at around 12. I think.
I woke up in the morning to the sound of my mom yelling at my youngest servant. Apparently, she went out of the house without notifying my other servant and without closing the door. My mom found out about it and she got angry. It could be said that my mom is a very reliable alarm clock. I would almost always wake up in the morning hearing her yelling and being upset about something. What a great way to start a day, huh? Well, that'll give you a description about how women might be when they're above 50 years old. Cranky. Y'know, fine, it's not fair to generalize. At least I know that's how my mom is. And just in case it turns out that that's how most women are, I gotta prepare. Ear plugs, for example. He he he.
Today is the day when I must visit my Grandma. She lives in Bandung most of the time. But she comes to Jakarta once in a while. She usually stays in my auntie's place whenever she comes to Jakarta. My auntie and her younger sister (also my auntie, of course) lives in that house. But my auntie (the older one) mostly stays in Sydney, Australia, with her husband and their two daughters (my cousins). She usually comes back to Jakarta twice in a year. Her younger sister (as I've said, also my auntie) stays in the house all the time, or at least whenever she's not on a business trip to Europe. She works in the fashion industry. It is interesting, getting to know a part of the family that you didn't realize you have until about 3 years ago. That, of course, is a story worth telling. But not for now.
So, I found myself on the way to my auntie's place with my mom. We were meeting my grandma because later that day she would be leaving for Australia. She's staying there for about 2 months, if I'm not mistaken. I felt drowsy all the time, due to lack of sleep. When we arrived, my grandma was already waiting for us. She gave us some chocolate and this orange-flavoured cheese, said those were from my Australian auntie. We talked about lots of stuff. Actually, my mom and my grandma did. I was quiet most of the time. Drowsy and sleepy. My grandma laughed seeing my sleepy face. She served us some drinks and some snacks (peanuts, my fave). After about an hour, we left her, wishing her a great time in Australia. I sent my regards to my two beautiful cousins through her. She must be excited to see her two granddaughters again.
The driver dropped my mother at her campus, she was giving a lecture at 12.30. The driver dropped me home. I went surfing the web, checking lots of unread emails, and since I was still drowsy, I slept most of the rest of the day. In the evening, I started on chapter 4 of my thesis. The calculations was more than halfway done, and I started putting the result in writing. The finance book I asked my cousin in America to buy had arrived and I started reading it. It was easier to understand than the previous two text books I had used for my thesis.
Later in the night I typed my blog, mostly about my trip to Puncak. I replied a couple of emails. Since I was feeling drowsy all day I didn't say much. Well, I'm still feeling drowsy when I type this. But then again, for me sleep is always welcomed. I turned in for the night at around 12. I think.
At 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi... today is blant and dull... was supposed to do my CA stuff...somehow, I just couldn't... my mind drifted too far away.. to the land of nowhere and nonsense... Feeling bored.. i reached out to my computer.. friendster.. been my fave when I'm bored.. to see who knows who... you are one of my friends list... u had your blog on your page... didnt know what a blog is... followed the link... here you are... some beautifully written pieces of time.. One title catched my eye... australian vacation... was thinking you were having your holiday in oz... y didnt u tell me :) could be at your service as tour guide :).. turned out that your aussie auntie is visiting you... anyway.. will visit your blog now and then... keep writing those beautiful stuff... take care!! MeL
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