Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Off to Bandung

Not me though, my Mom did. She went to Bandung early in the morning with her friends from the faculty. She'd be back by Monday. At least the house would be peaceful and quiet.

A couple of repairmen came by to fix the air conditioning in our room. Some parts needed to be replaced, and they couldn't do it because they didn't have the parts with them yet. I told them to come by later when they do. For now, all they could do was to refill the freon. It would leak again, but at least the room would be cooler for the time being until they replace the parts.

Watched a couple of DVDs, some were the ones that I bought the day before: Y Tu Mama Tambien (very sexy), Reservoir Dogs (I had watched it, my brother had not at the time...Quentin Tarantino rules!), Neon Genesis Evangelion (up to Episode 14), and Battle Royale (Bloody and Entertaning).

That was it. Stayed home all day long. Truly God's day off.


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