Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to

Woke up with a tinge of fear that this Friday would be spent by just staying at home and bore myself to death. Watched DVD (haven't finished Rah-Xephon until now and I think I may have to watch it again from the beginning), tried finishing my proposal. There was one part which I hadn't completely finished yet. I still haven't found the refference book my lecturer told me to look for. But rather than waiting till I found it, I figured that it was better to send the revised proposal without the refference first and then later on add the refference when I found it. So, I sent an e-mail to my lecturer with my proposal attached.

V asked whether I would be going out with H today. Till this afternoon, he had not send me any news about getting together and hanging out somewhere. So, I tried contacting him. He told me that Pi was going out to QB Sarinah to meet up with some of her friends this evening but he wasn't sure whether he would be joining. I told V that I'd be going to QB, but H still wasn't sure whether he would be joining and that I'd inform V later about any new development.

So, a few messages and a phone call later, I was off to QB to meet up with Pi. The taxi driver was nice. I had a good chat with him. I was glad that I was not as cold as I thought I'd become toward taxi drivers. I still could have a good conversation with a taxi driver like I used to. It sure brightened up my evening.

I waited for about half an hour before Pi finally arrived. Not long after that, her friends started arriving and I was the only guy around. Pi told me that P and H would be joining us shortly. I sent a message to V telling him that H would come. V called, saying M would come along with him. The more, the merrier, I told him.

Unfortunately, H and P cancelled. I knew it would happen, but too late. V already showed up with M. But that's okay. Like I said, the more the merrier. It was fun.

We spent some time at QB and later on moved out to some roadside food stall to eat dinner. Talked a lot about lots of stuff with V, M, Pi and Pi's friends. An old friend called. It had been a long time since I last heard from her. Nice to hear her voice again. Sure reminded me of old times.

It was kinda hard, juggling my attention to Pi, V, M, and those new acquaintances. But it sure was interesting hanging out with a new crowd. And they were all okay.

Around 10 (or was it 10.30), Pi and her gang went home. All that was left were me, V, and M. We went to Starbuck, got ourselves some seat and some cups of coffee, and had a very interesting conversation. I enjoyed this kind of conversation. Didn't exactly get anything new, but of course it was nice to be reminded of the things that I know, and may have forgotten, once in a while. And of course it's always nice to know that people still do care about these things. Sometimes we go on a journey for some kind of an answer, and by the end of that journey, you realize that the answer has been there since the beginning all along. But still, the journey itself was worth it And still you go on again looking for some sort of an answer, or maybe just for the sake of making that journey itself.

You learn something new everyday. And you are reminded of the things that you've forgotten, everyday. Sometimes, life is just too good to be true. Sometimes, it is too awful to be true. Yet, life will always be itself.


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