Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Calculations and Calculations part 2

Continued doing the calculations, spent about 2 and a half hours. Easier than I thought it would be. My body still feel tired, as if vampires sucked my blood dry. Tried putting down the events during the last weekend. I couldn't recall much except for the highlights. Feels so weak. Feels like dying.

Started reading Smoke and Mirrors again. Such interesting stories. Such imaginations. So 'dreamlike'.

Feel asleep for awhile in the evening. Forgot to call I. I promised her that I would call this night. Tried calling her cellphone at about 9.30 pm, but she didn't answer. Probably fell asleep already. Sent her a message saying sorry for not calling her earlier.

I feel like sleeping. I feel like dreaming. Dreaming empty dreams. Dreaming a void. Dreaming an oblivion.

I'm probably just dead tired.


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