Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Old Friend

Woke up round 8.30. Mom and bro were going to Ms. A's place. She'd just got back from Singapore the day before for medical purposes. I wanted to go along, since I thought it would be better than just staying at home. But Y called and asked me out. Y was my roommate back when I was still living in Depok. He'd been asking me to go out, but every time he asked I'd already had an appointment. Couldn't say no, and I'd prefer to go out with him than see my mom's friend. At least I knew she was okay, and that the operation she had in Singapore was a success.

So, he picked me up around 10.30, we went to Mangga Dua. Y had to buy an ink ribbon roll for his fax machine. After that we went to Glodok to buy some DVDs. Lemme see, I got myself these: Battle Royale, The Sheltering Sky, Princess Mononoke, Chungking Express, Zatoichi, Y Tu Mama Tambien, and Neon Genesis Evangelion Series.

Y and I talked about his job (talked about futures and options, both are financial instruments with high risks, but could give you high returns if you know how to play them right), about movies (he didn't like Hollywood crap, sorry, no Spiderman 2 for him), about the state of the world (those Jewish big fish, they own the world with their money), about the necessity of wars (without wars, there would be no advances in science and technology as we know it today), about finance (I have come to a conclusion that despite all the theories out there concerning finance, it all comes down to the fact that all you need to succeed in investment and finance is to have all the right information and to know how to make people do the things you want them to do, in short, you gotta know their pysche), about the 9/11 conspiracy (have you heard that 9/11 was a ploy set by those Jewish to invigorate the arms race? To create business for the weapon producers and arms dealers? To create an enemy needed to get a war going, hence create the rise in the need for weapons?), about tarot readings (I was told that this job is the right job for me. I got three readings that said so).

Y was a graduate from International Relations Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science of the University of Indonesia, from the class of 98. I was used to hearing him talk about these sort of stuff. Sharing a room with him was quite fun. I always enjoy our conversations. I found them to be light and entertainig. I would discover a lot of new information, though personally I knew that I didn't agree with them all. But I could see where he was coming from and I could understand his point of view. Talking with him made me remember the times when we were back in Depok, in our room, talking about life, about our classes, about our unbelievable lecturers, and about our 'ibu kost' and how to best kill that annoying, money lovin', stingy ole' bitch. She died a couple of years ago, God rest her poor old soul.

Since we didn't feel like going home so early, we went to EX. We met an old acquaintance from our Senior High. He told us that Guess products were being sold at a discount in Krakatau Room at Grand Hyatt, so we went there to take a peek. We didn't find anything of interest. Went back to EX, met the old acquaintance, and we chatted for awhile. Y chatted with him about business, about the girls milling around in EX, about being single, about hot married women, about MILF (who were mostly our acquaintance's clients), and about other stuff. Got myself a big cup of ice cream, Y got himself a beard papa, and after about an hour of chit-chat we decided to part company with our acquaintance, who was still enjoying the 'views'.

After spending about another half an hour at Plaza Indonesia looking at bookstores, we went out to have dinner at Pecenongan. After that, Y dropped me home. Mom, Dad and bro went out to 2 wedding parties. I slept for about 2 hours. Woke up around 9.30 to find out that Mom and bro hadn't come home yet. They came back about half an hour later.

Watched Princess Mononoke with my bro before we went to sleep. Hayao Miyazaki's cartoons are all great!


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