Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Monday, August 16, 2004

A Visit from Abroad

Woke up quite early, probably around 9. I had to transfer some money to to PDPM as a payment for the data I was buying from them.The data is for my thesis. I went to the bank with Mom, transferred the money, and accompanied her to Lokasari to buy some stuff at the supermarket.

Had gado-gado for lunch. Started doing some push-ups, some weight lifting in the late afternoon. Exercising. I need to get started again. My body's been craving for some exercising. Been craving to sweat. I need to do more cardio. Been a long time since I last jogged. Or swim. Cardio would do me good. Exercising, they help me sleep better at night. And I gotta start living healthier. My stamina's getting worse every day. Gotta discipline myself on this.

H didn't contact me. Almost thought that I wouldn't be going out that night. Well, I was wrong. F and G called. At first I didn't notice since I put my cell on silent. Noticed it a bit late, but not too late. Around 11 they picked me up. G worked in Singapore. But her company sent her often to Jakarta for business matters. She'd been here for a week at that time, and she was going back to Singapore on Sunday.

We went to EX, got ourselves some cups of coffee at Starbucks, sat down, and chatted about how things were going in our lives. Ya know, just catching up.

F and G dropped me home at around 1. Went to sleep not long after that.


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