Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Today I tried relaxing. Didn't do much calculations. Turns out that it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Continued reading Smoke and Mirrors. Neil Gaiman is really a gifted writer, with his imaginations and all.

Replied some emails today. Little things like these are the ones that remind me that I trully have nothing at all this world. That one of the greates pleasures in life is having friends who care and understand. So let it be known that I cherish and love you and respect you and thank you all, those who consider me as their friend. There's not enough words to show you how I much I appreciate you all.

Called an old friend. It's been a long time since I last heard from her. Talked a lot about old times, about our friends, about things that we lost along the way, about life. It was a very nice conversation.

Tried doing some exercise today. A bit of weight lifting, some push-ups. It took me only 20 minutes to sweat profusely. Damn, I'm getting old. Need to work out more. I used to be able to finish the circuit around UI in 30 minutes without even stopping to catch my breath. I doubt I could do it again. So out of shape. Gotta start exercising again.

I need more sleep. I've been getting lots of 'em, but still it's not enough.

Maybe, I need more exercise.

Sheeeeyittttt, I'm gettin' old...


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