Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Plaza Senayan at Noon

Walked around, waiting for H to arrive. The day's changing to early afternoon. I was really hungry, wanted to get something to eat, but I restrained myself. It would be better to wait for H to arrive and then have our lunch together. So I just bought a glass of iced lemon tea and sit at the food court, enjoying the view of the people walking around here and there. Especially the women. They're such beautiful creatures.

There's one that had this really interesting way of looking. I caught her eyes, and for the longest moment we looked at each other eye-to-eye. It was quite exciting. A woman's eyes, they're one of the most attractive aspect of a woman. I could say that I could be attracted to a woman because of her eyes. A woman's smile is also one of the things that could really attract my attention.

H arrived at around 12.15
"Hey, where you at?"
"I'm at Kinokuniya. Why don't you come and meet me here?"
"Okay. I'm trying to find a parking space. When I'm done, I'll go head over there."
"Okay. Uhm, wait! Meet me up in front of the cineplex. It's easier that way."
"Okay then."

"Where are you? I thought you said in front of the cineplex?"
"Look at your five o'clock. I'm looking at ya."
"Wait...oh, there you are."

H and I talked for awhile about his work. He told me about the visit he'd just made before meeting me at Plaza Senayan. It wasn't a good development for him. Too bad, but I hoped that he'd have better luck next time.

We had lunch at the foodcourt on 3rd floor.
"Did you notice that other people look left at the food stalls, trying to decide what to eat while we look right at the crowd, trying to track and spot attractive women?"
"Ha ha ha, yeah! We do that everytime we go here."
"Your one o'clock, pink shirt."
"Hmmm, kay. Hey, not bad. Not bad at all."
"Mmmm hmmmm."
"Ha ha ha."

It turned out that the girl I saw earlier was sitting next to our table. I didn't mind her too much though. I just ate and talked with H most of the time there. Though H noticed that one of the girl's friend has a pair of huge busts and he made sure that I noticed.
After eating, we walked around the foodcourt one last time, trying to track for the last time before we leave the place. H wasn't looking forward to the prospect of going back to the office so soon, so we decided to sit down again, have ourselves some cups of coffee and enjoy the view while it lasts.
I wanted to come along with him back to the office. Lack of sleep the previous night made me decide otherwise. So we parted ways for today, and I went back home by taxi, sitting on the front passenger seat, falling asleep a couple of times.


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