Credits and Acknowledgements
At long last, my thesis is done. It's only been a day since the hearing and I already forgot the title of my own thesis (insert laugh and snigger here). However, no man is an island (some would argue strongly on that). And I wouldn't have passed this milestone without the help of so many individuals. In this light, I would like to extend my thanks to all those who have helped me along the way.
It is strange how a milestone like this could make someone rethink about all the things in his life.
First of all, thanks to Mr. Agus Sartono for all his help and advices during the thesis development. Although I was in Jakarta during the research and he in Jogja, and although most of our communications were done through e-mails, he has done all his duty as a advisor without fail. So, once again, thank you for all the time and effort.
I would also like to thank Mr. Mamduh Hanafi, for being the 'inquisitor' during the hearing. Thank you so much for your endless questions during the hearing, and thank you for your little smile (it helped a bit, since you were quite expressionless during the hearing, something that could make me nervous). At least you showed a hint of emotion on that blank face of yours. And of course, thanks for the A.
Dad, thanks for all the support. I know you're the quiet type and would only ask passing questions, but still I know you do care, somehow (I hope).
Mom, can't thank you enough. Well, you know, for all the questions, yelling at each other, slappings (you didn't get me the last time though, since I blocked your hand ha ha ha), comparing me to other people's sons, reminding me to finish my thesis as soon as possible and get a job you unthankful son. (I sort of guessed that you would trade me for Delon without thinking if there's a chance to do so, but I'm just being cynical).
Hey, I know you didn't mean it. You were frustrated at the time. Nobody's perfect. I'd probably be doing the same thing too one day with my children (hopefully not). And considering the things you've sacrificed, I am thankful. Nobody I know went through the hardship that you've been going through all your life. You deserve a better life, all you have to do is go out and try get it.
Something that I have to do myself in the near future.
In any case, mom, you're the one person that once I considered second to God (not sure about now). So, thank you for...everything, I guess. I love you and hate you (only sometimes). You're the mom that I think everyone should have. Have fun in Singapore, mom!
To my brother, Aditya Andika, thank you so much for all the support and of course your help on statistical matters for the thesis. Hey, we may only be half-related, but you're my brother and that's that. You're a good friend. I may not know much about you, since there's some side to you that I haven't figured out yet, but still I'm more than thankful that you're there as my younger brother. Thanks for putting up with me and all my acts up until now. Hope I've been a good brother to you.
I would also like to thank Jemmy Gemilang Subuh, M. Rushdy Natsir, and Ekasari Sunarti. The three of them have helped in giving me ideas concerning the topic of my thesis. I wouldn't have come up with VaR if I hadn't been asking you guys. So, the thesis is also about you guys and how you've offered so many help in how to do the research. Thanks also in particular to Rushdy for his help in explaining to me how to the calculations. The copy-paste phase of the research was a pain in the ass, but it's all downhill from there.
It was nice that I wasn't the only one having to go through the hearing on that day. So, I would like to thank Ekasari Sunarti and Asik Dermawan for the company. We were a nervous wreck that day, but we got through and that's cool. Thanks for the support and the effort to calm each other down.
To Alfia Azhabur Rizal and Erma Afriza Indriana, thanks for the company during the waiting time before our hearing and thanks for being there during the hearing. You made the waiting a bit easier. Thanks for being our drivers too. Jeng Riza, good luck on your hearing on Friday. I'll be there.
Thanks also to people from the Academic Affair, especially to Mas Eno, Mas Tata and Mbak Eti. You all have been very helpful and cooperative, something that I didn't expect out of administration people. I was wrong. I salute you and all the people in MMUGM for being helpful and service-minded, something that is very rare from where I came from (read: Indonesia).
To Aryono Trihananto, thanks for reminding me that I have a thesis to finish. Good luck for your hearing. You'll make it, trust me. And, thanks for being a very good friend. You have a big heart (no, I'm not reffering to your 'unusual' size).
To Suhendra Prawira Tanuwijaya, thanks a lot buddy for everything. Thanks for the villa in Puncak, thanks for all the support, thanks for being a good buddy, thanks for the understanding, thanks for all the 'celaan', thanks for hangin' out with me. Well, in short, thanks for being one of ma' main man and mind you that's saying a lot. You're gangsta, homes!
Michael Sidartawan, thank you also for your support. Thanks for listening to all my whinings and thanks for confiding in me. No one could ask for a better buddy than you, man. Hopefully my mom gets that hat you've been wanting in Singapore.
To Sylvia Widjayasaputra, thanks for being a good friend, girl. I hope everything goes well between you and Hendra.
To Regie and Dipo, thanks for always playing host whenever I went to Jogja. Regie, thanks for letting me stay in your room the last time I was here. That means a lot.
Nashir, thanks a lot. It's an unfortunate thing that happened to you. But you'll get through it somehow. Lemme know if you need any help from me, okay? Good luck with your next hearing, man.
My friends from MMUGM: Titot, Mas Asik, Mas Rully, Mas Rusdy, Mas Suryo, Iqbal, Dhani, Miki, Cici, Tommy, Ardian, Melly, Febi, Nashir, Shanti, Eka, Dipo, Regie, Jay, Nina, Yulia, Nora, Coki, Mas Iman, Mas Denny, Dewi, Woro, thank you for being a very interesting and nice pack of classmates.
Retti Meita Syafriani and Ika Wongsonegoro, thanks for being my e-mail buddies. It's nice replying letters from you girls. And it helped me cruised along the way. Thanks for the support, and thanks for listening to all my whining. I hope everything also goes well for you.
My servants at home, Yati and Shanti, thanks for helping me pack my bags ha ha ha. And all those instant noodles.
And last but not least, my dog Dingo. Thanks for always noticing whenever I'm in a bad mood. You're the dog that every dog owner would like to have. Just try not to bite my arms too often, okay?
So, that's that. Here I am passing another milestone. For awhile, things are calm. But new stuff will be come knocking, and I hope I'm ready for 'em.
At long last, my thesis is done. It's only been a day since the hearing and I already forgot the title of my own thesis (insert laugh and snigger here). However, no man is an island (some would argue strongly on that). And I wouldn't have passed this milestone without the help of so many individuals. In this light, I would like to extend my thanks to all those who have helped me along the way.
It is strange how a milestone like this could make someone rethink about all the things in his life.
First of all, thanks to Mr. Agus Sartono for all his help and advices during the thesis development. Although I was in Jakarta during the research and he in Jogja, and although most of our communications were done through e-mails, he has done all his duty as a advisor without fail. So, once again, thank you for all the time and effort.
I would also like to thank Mr. Mamduh Hanafi, for being the 'inquisitor' during the hearing. Thank you so much for your endless questions during the hearing, and thank you for your little smile (it helped a bit, since you were quite expressionless during the hearing, something that could make me nervous). At least you showed a hint of emotion on that blank face of yours. And of course, thanks for the A.
Dad, thanks for all the support. I know you're the quiet type and would only ask passing questions, but still I know you do care, somehow (I hope).
Mom, can't thank you enough. Well, you know, for all the questions, yelling at each other, slappings (you didn't get me the last time though, since I blocked your hand ha ha ha), comparing me to other people's sons, reminding me to finish my thesis as soon as possible and get a job you unthankful son. (I sort of guessed that you would trade me for Delon without thinking if there's a chance to do so, but I'm just being cynical).
Hey, I know you didn't mean it. You were frustrated at the time. Nobody's perfect. I'd probably be doing the same thing too one day with my children (hopefully not). And considering the things you've sacrificed, I am thankful. Nobody I know went through the hardship that you've been going through all your life. You deserve a better life, all you have to do is go out and try get it.
Something that I have to do myself in the near future.
In any case, mom, you're the one person that once I considered second to God (not sure about now). So, thank you for...everything, I guess. I love you and hate you (only sometimes). You're the mom that I think everyone should have. Have fun in Singapore, mom!
To my brother, Aditya Andika, thank you so much for all the support and of course your help on statistical matters for the thesis. Hey, we may only be half-related, but you're my brother and that's that. You're a good friend. I may not know much about you, since there's some side to you that I haven't figured out yet, but still I'm more than thankful that you're there as my younger brother. Thanks for putting up with me and all my acts up until now. Hope I've been a good brother to you.
I would also like to thank Jemmy Gemilang Subuh, M. Rushdy Natsir, and Ekasari Sunarti. The three of them have helped in giving me ideas concerning the topic of my thesis. I wouldn't have come up with VaR if I hadn't been asking you guys. So, the thesis is also about you guys and how you've offered so many help in how to do the research. Thanks also in particular to Rushdy for his help in explaining to me how to the calculations. The copy-paste phase of the research was a pain in the ass, but it's all downhill from there.
It was nice that I wasn't the only one having to go through the hearing on that day. So, I would like to thank Ekasari Sunarti and Asik Dermawan for the company. We were a nervous wreck that day, but we got through and that's cool. Thanks for the support and the effort to calm each other down.
To Alfia Azhabur Rizal and Erma Afriza Indriana, thanks for the company during the waiting time before our hearing and thanks for being there during the hearing. You made the waiting a bit easier. Thanks for being our drivers too. Jeng Riza, good luck on your hearing on Friday. I'll be there.
Thanks also to people from the Academic Affair, especially to Mas Eno, Mas Tata and Mbak Eti. You all have been very helpful and cooperative, something that I didn't expect out of administration people. I was wrong. I salute you and all the people in MMUGM for being helpful and service-minded, something that is very rare from where I came from (read: Indonesia).
To Aryono Trihananto, thanks for reminding me that I have a thesis to finish. Good luck for your hearing. You'll make it, trust me. And, thanks for being a very good friend. You have a big heart (no, I'm not reffering to your 'unusual' size).
To Suhendra Prawira Tanuwijaya, thanks a lot buddy for everything. Thanks for the villa in Puncak, thanks for all the support, thanks for being a good buddy, thanks for the understanding, thanks for all the 'celaan', thanks for hangin' out with me. Well, in short, thanks for being one of ma' main man and mind you that's saying a lot. You're gangsta, homes!
Michael Sidartawan, thank you also for your support. Thanks for listening to all my whinings and thanks for confiding in me. No one could ask for a better buddy than you, man. Hopefully my mom gets that hat you've been wanting in Singapore.
To Sylvia Widjayasaputra, thanks for being a good friend, girl. I hope everything goes well between you and Hendra.
To Regie and Dipo, thanks for always playing host whenever I went to Jogja. Regie, thanks for letting me stay in your room the last time I was here. That means a lot.
Nashir, thanks a lot. It's an unfortunate thing that happened to you. But you'll get through it somehow. Lemme know if you need any help from me, okay? Good luck with your next hearing, man.
My friends from MMUGM: Titot, Mas Asik, Mas Rully, Mas Rusdy, Mas Suryo, Iqbal, Dhani, Miki, Cici, Tommy, Ardian, Melly, Febi, Nashir, Shanti, Eka, Dipo, Regie, Jay, Nina, Yulia, Nora, Coki, Mas Iman, Mas Denny, Dewi, Woro, thank you for being a very interesting and nice pack of classmates.
Retti Meita Syafriani and Ika Wongsonegoro, thanks for being my e-mail buddies. It's nice replying letters from you girls. And it helped me cruised along the way. Thanks for the support, and thanks for listening to all my whining. I hope everything also goes well for you.
My servants at home, Yati and Shanti, thanks for helping me pack my bags ha ha ha. And all those instant noodles.
And last but not least, my dog Dingo. Thanks for always noticing whenever I'm in a bad mood. You're the dog that every dog owner would like to have. Just try not to bite my arms too often, okay?
So, that's that. Here I am passing another milestone. For awhile, things are calm. But new stuff will be come knocking, and I hope I'm ready for 'em.
At 9:22 AM,
meimeiletti said…
It's always nice to see your name on someone's writing. In this case, it's great to see my full name in your credits & acknowledgements.
Good to know you enjoyed my mails;p As I enjoy yours. And Rie, bring 'em on, okay?
Well, congratulations there, Christianus Arie Andika Setiawan, ST.MM., (wink wink);p
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