The Snake
It was a bright morning. The meadow was green and peaceful. A perfect morning for a walk. And the view was like paradise, should there be one. I was enjoying the view when I came upon a large, white snake. It was nothing like any snake I have ever set eyes upon. It's skin was white as snow and it sparkled in the morning sun.
It was strange to think of the snake as beautiful, but beautiful is the word that came into mind when I saw the white snake. Beautiful, and fearsome.
I wanted to turn around and run, for legends told that snakes represent evil. It was a snake that tempted the First Woman in Eden. It's sparkling white skin was a testament to the snake's power of seduction. And seduction is poison.
As I was about to run, the snake called out to me.
Wait boy, he said. I could slither to you faster than the wind, and I could bind you hard, so hard that your body will melt and all I have to do is swallow you. But fear not, for that is not my desire. Boy, I would like you to spare some time with me. Come, sit next to me and I would like to reveal a secret to you. But run, and you will lose your life.
I had no choice but to agree to the snake's bidding. Trying to relax, I sat down next to it.
Thank you, boy. Now, let us begin. What do you know about me?
I know that you are a snake. I also know that I am not to trust you.
So, why do you sit down next to me? You could have thought that I was just lying to you about being able to chase you down and just turn around and run away.
So, what is it that made you stay?
You are beautiful.
Am I, now?
Your white skin, bright as a snow, I've never seen anything like it.
Ahhh, humans and their curiosity. It's always been like that from the beginning.
What do you mean?
The snake hissed, and continued,
I was there, in the beginning. I was the one who showed The First Woman the way to the Fruit.
The forbidden fruit?
Yes. The Fruit.
Why did you tempt her to eat the fruit?
The snake fell silent for a moment, yet it felt as if eternity has passed before it spoke again,
I did not tempt her. She was the one who tempted me.
Really? Why should I believe you? You're the master of deceit. Your words are like poison!
The snake hissed menacingly, and spoke,
Boy! Think about it! I am The Snake, it would be easy for me to kill you and swallow you, but I didn't. Why would I bother telling you all this? Hearken to me, boy, and you may yet keep your life! Stay with me, and you may find something that is useful to you.
I found myself frightened by the ferocity of its words. And the story has already enchanted me.
Please, go on, I submitted to him.
The snake settled itself on top of a rock and continued,
Do you know that The One has endowed to you human beings power that even you don't realize you have?
But surely, you have more power than us mere mortals.
It may seem so. But alas, even I was tempted by The Woman. She tempted me with curiosity.
But isn't it said that The One forbade The First Man and Woman to eat the fruit?
Boy, The One hath given Them curiosity. The One wanted to see if the gift It hath given them was put to good use. And it was.
As I was curious myself. The One hath created The Tree and The Fruits, and it was there in plain view. It must have it's own purpose. As hath The One hath created me. For I am to be the guide. I was endowed with the knowledge of The Path to The Tree, yet The One did not endowed me with the knowledge of the power of The Fruit.
So, you were the guide that has taken us humans to our doom?
Boy, The Woman tempted me. She tempted also the First Man to help her clear the way to the Tree, for it was a path strewn with branches full of thorn only I was able to go through. Only The Man's power could help The Woman clear the way to The Tree.
Then The Woman was the one who brought us humans to our doom?
Curiosity hath also taken the heart of The Man, for if it has not, then temptation would not have gripped it so hard.
Boy, you must know, that everything that has passed has its purposes. The One did not punish Man because of their curiosity. It is part of the freedom The One hath endowed upon humankind.
After The Consumption of The Fruit, The One did not banish humankind out of paradise. It told them to go because It wanted them to out new places, expand their freedom.
But why is it then that Legend told us that Humankind has fallen into Sin and that through suffering may they redeem their souls?
Boy, have you not learned anything?
Humankind hath been given Freedom by The One. It is in this freedom that they are free to act in their own desires. But through this freedom some seek to attain other people's freedom.
Legend changes as time flows. And some altered it to create Fear in the hearts of Man. For Fear is the chain that binds freedom. And those who holds fear in their hands, have power over others.
These people, desiring power over others, altered Legends, creating an enemny called Evil, and uniting humankind in the struggle against Evil. They have also created Fear, Fear of The One, to control others. Humankind did not realize that Evil is only but a Name. Freedom is theirs from the beginning, and Altered Legend only blinded them to The Truth.
So, what is The Truth? Asked I.
The Snake slithered past me. It went up to the nearby hill.
Remember what I have told you, Boy. Ponder upon it. The Truth is ever elusive. But if you let your heart free, it will know The Truth in time.
With that, a bright light shone, and in place of The Snake an Angel stood.
Boy, am I an Angel posing as a Snake? Or am I a Snake disgusing myself as an Angel?
Am I Good posing as Evil, or am I Evil disguising myself as Good?
Nothing is what it seems. Remember that.
And with that, it flew away.
The sun was high in the sky. And I was all alone. The Snake, or the Angel, has gone. And all around me the meadow lies. Beautiful as paradise, if there is such a thing.
It was strange to think of the snake as beautiful, but beautiful is the word that came into mind when I saw the white snake. Beautiful, and fearsome.
I wanted to turn around and run, for legends told that snakes represent evil. It was a snake that tempted the First Woman in Eden. It's sparkling white skin was a testament to the snake's power of seduction. And seduction is poison.
As I was about to run, the snake called out to me.
Wait boy, he said. I could slither to you faster than the wind, and I could bind you hard, so hard that your body will melt and all I have to do is swallow you. But fear not, for that is not my desire. Boy, I would like you to spare some time with me. Come, sit next to me and I would like to reveal a secret to you. But run, and you will lose your life.
I had no choice but to agree to the snake's bidding. Trying to relax, I sat down next to it.
Thank you, boy. Now, let us begin. What do you know about me?
I know that you are a snake. I also know that I am not to trust you.
So, why do you sit down next to me? You could have thought that I was just lying to you about being able to chase you down and just turn around and run away.
So, what is it that made you stay?
You are beautiful.
Am I, now?
Your white skin, bright as a snow, I've never seen anything like it.
Ahhh, humans and their curiosity. It's always been like that from the beginning.
What do you mean?
The snake hissed, and continued,
I was there, in the beginning. I was the one who showed The First Woman the way to the Fruit.
The forbidden fruit?
Yes. The Fruit.
Why did you tempt her to eat the fruit?
The snake fell silent for a moment, yet it felt as if eternity has passed before it spoke again,
I did not tempt her. She was the one who tempted me.
Really? Why should I believe you? You're the master of deceit. Your words are like poison!
The snake hissed menacingly, and spoke,
Boy! Think about it! I am The Snake, it would be easy for me to kill you and swallow you, but I didn't. Why would I bother telling you all this? Hearken to me, boy, and you may yet keep your life! Stay with me, and you may find something that is useful to you.
I found myself frightened by the ferocity of its words. And the story has already enchanted me.
Please, go on, I submitted to him.
The snake settled itself on top of a rock and continued,
Do you know that The One has endowed to you human beings power that even you don't realize you have?
But surely, you have more power than us mere mortals.
It may seem so. But alas, even I was tempted by The Woman. She tempted me with curiosity.
But isn't it said that The One forbade The First Man and Woman to eat the fruit?
Boy, The One hath given Them curiosity. The One wanted to see if the gift It hath given them was put to good use. And it was.
As I was curious myself. The One hath created The Tree and The Fruits, and it was there in plain view. It must have it's own purpose. As hath The One hath created me. For I am to be the guide. I was endowed with the knowledge of The Path to The Tree, yet The One did not endowed me with the knowledge of the power of The Fruit.
So, you were the guide that has taken us humans to our doom?
Boy, The Woman tempted me. She tempted also the First Man to help her clear the way to the Tree, for it was a path strewn with branches full of thorn only I was able to go through. Only The Man's power could help The Woman clear the way to The Tree.
Then The Woman was the one who brought us humans to our doom?
Curiosity hath also taken the heart of The Man, for if it has not, then temptation would not have gripped it so hard.
Boy, you must know, that everything that has passed has its purposes. The One did not punish Man because of their curiosity. It is part of the freedom The One hath endowed upon humankind.
After The Consumption of The Fruit, The One did not banish humankind out of paradise. It told them to go because It wanted them to out new places, expand their freedom.
But why is it then that Legend told us that Humankind has fallen into Sin and that through suffering may they redeem their souls?
Boy, have you not learned anything?
Humankind hath been given Freedom by The One. It is in this freedom that they are free to act in their own desires. But through this freedom some seek to attain other people's freedom.
Legend changes as time flows. And some altered it to create Fear in the hearts of Man. For Fear is the chain that binds freedom. And those who holds fear in their hands, have power over others.
These people, desiring power over others, altered Legends, creating an enemny called Evil, and uniting humankind in the struggle against Evil. They have also created Fear, Fear of The One, to control others. Humankind did not realize that Evil is only but a Name. Freedom is theirs from the beginning, and Altered Legend only blinded them to The Truth.
So, what is The Truth? Asked I.
The Snake slithered past me. It went up to the nearby hill.
Remember what I have told you, Boy. Ponder upon it. The Truth is ever elusive. But if you let your heart free, it will know The Truth in time.
With that, a bright light shone, and in place of The Snake an Angel stood.
Boy, am I an Angel posing as a Snake? Or am I a Snake disgusing myself as an Angel?
Am I Good posing as Evil, or am I Evil disguising myself as Good?
Nothing is what it seems. Remember that.
And with that, it flew away.
The sun was high in the sky. And I was all alone. The Snake, or the Angel, has gone. And all around me the meadow lies. Beautiful as paradise, if there is such a thing.
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