Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Amazing how a simple message from a friend could turn one's day 180 degrees. From a so-so day to a panick-mode day. Ha ha ha, guess I really should get started again on my thesis before my colleagues leave me in the dust.

So, what else is happening today? Not much, I guess. Decided against putting my trip to Singapore in writing. Better reserve them in my memory. It might not last that long, but it just seemed appropriate that way.

Or maybe I will put them in writing, just not now.

Lately there are times when I panicked. Panicked because of realizing that my age is about a quarter of a century, and realizing that I'm not that young no more. Realizing that there's a lot of things that I haven't done, and that my body is starting to feel it's age. I'm beginning to think that I won't live forever, unlike teenagers these days that think that they are immortal. There are times when I really envy them.

They say that youth is in the heart. But right now I feel old.

It's probably just boredom eating up on me.

I need to go out. I need to do something. Probably start on my thesis (which I'm very reluctant to do). But at least I'll be doing something. I'm tired of all this schooling. Wanna start doing something REAL.

There's a favorite paragraph from a novel I'm reading right now. It goes like this:

'O lente, lente currite noctis equi!'

Run slowly, slowly horses of the night. It's from Ovid (whatever that is, if someone knows about Ovid, tell me). The horses of the night pull Time's chariot. Time's with his mistress. It means Time wants the night to stretch out, so he can spend more time with his mistress.

I wish I was Time, with his chariot and horses of the night, so that I could command my horses of the night to run slowly, making me able to spend more time with my mistress.

My mistress is my youth. How much I want to savour the last strength of my youth before it fades away and gives in to the years ahead.

Youth is in the heart...
I would very much want to believe that.

(Written on April 11th 2004)


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