Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Saturday and Sunday

Woke up around 8 on Saturday morning. Mom was busy making a cake for my girlfriend's Mom. The cake was a failure, so she decided to order one and deliver it to my girlfriend's house.

Went to her place and got there around 12 in the noon. We went to Kelapa Gading, got myself Icee (nostalgic...) and went back to her house round 4.30.

Continued making my assignment at her place. Around 9.30 my friend called and asked to go out and chat a bit. We met at Sarinah's McD. Talked for awhile about work and life. He dropped me home around 12.30.

Went straight to bed coz I'd be seeing my girlfriend the next day at church.

Woke up to a not-so-cold Sunday morning

Went to the church early in the morning. Met my girlfriend there. After that went to her place to chat a bit. Browsed the net for awhile at her place and had lunch. After that I went home, got myself a (very long) siesta. Continued making my assignment and finished it. Phew, at last.

That's all these last two days.