Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Friday, April 02, 2004

What's up?

Been a long time since my last update (I think it was last Sunday). So, what's been transpiring since last Monday, you asked? Well, since there weren't much thing happening, guess it's safe to give a sum of all the things I did since Monday up till now.

Monday: went to the campus, submit my assignment paper for PTM. Browsed awhile, checked my grades (got A- for 3 subjects, not bad) I think I started playing Splinter Cell right about this day. Finished Onimusha 2. Ending's not bad. Can't wait to play the third installment.

Tuesday: Went to Mangga Dua. Got myself 2 DVDs: Linkin Park Live in Texas, Moulin Rouge. Music CD: Norah Jones: Feels Like Home, and Romance 9 PS2 game. Linkin Park Live in Texas rocks! So does Moulin Rouge

Wednesday: went to Plaza Senayan with mom. Had lunch, ice cream, a book and a magazine. Went to the supermarket too. Too bad Mom didn't get what she was looking for. Well, it was there, but there were some problems.

Thursday: went to LIPI, turned out it was closed. They're always close on the 1st of every month. Went to IPMI instead. Got lots of finance journals. Waste a lot of money on that too. Had lunch in Lembang, browsed a bit at the campus, then went home by train. Very tired, took a bath, went to bed and got myself one of the best sleep I ever had for the last month.

That's it. Ha ha ha, been lazy lately. Nothing much happening.