Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Monday, August 02, 2004

A (not-so-ambitious) Book Hunt

I planned to go to a bookstore near Trisakti. I need to get another book as a refference for my thesis. My lecturer asked me to do so. After I'd finished preparing, my driver first dropped me off at my Mom's office in Trisakti's Faculty of Dentistry. A friend of her was going to Singapore for her chemo. Cancer, so many people found out they have it a bit late. I just hope it's not too late for her.

After saying our goodbyes to her, we went to the bookstore. Just my luck, I couldn't find the book. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy to find that book. Lucky for my Mom though, she found a great book about Microbiology. The book was thick and full of pictures and illustrations. Very helpful for doctor wannabes. And what's best was that the book was very cheap. We went to TA, to Gramedia Bookstore. No luck there either. My mom found another book: a recipe book. Her lucky day, not mine.

Went home with a plastic full of BreadTalk and a magazine (Men's Health, not really a smart magazine like Time, but still entertaining and fun to read). No VaR book though (the book I was looking for).


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