Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Jakarta Stock Exchange In The Morning

I opened my eyes to the sound of my brother trying to shake me off from my sleep.
"Bro, wake up. You said you wanted to go to the Jakarta Stock Exchange early today."
I ignored him for what seemed to be like spending an hour in the dreamworld, but might only be 5 minutes in reality.
"Arie, wake up. It's seven already. You don't want to keep your friends waiting."
Sleep deprived, I sit up and groaned. Could I just not go? I can't, T had asked me the day before to accompany him to JSX. And I had a feeling that E wouldn't be coming along, despite T saying the day before that she would be. Well, T could take care of himself, I was sure. But I just feel like he might need me there. Or maybe I need him to need me to be there. I couldn't say.

5 minutes later
Breakfast was only bread spread with Nutela. My brother and my father left before I could finish getting ready. Looks like I'd be taking the taxi. I could take the busway, but it would be such a hazzle and I was already running late. A message from T saying that he's already on his way. It came while I was taking a bath. I asked S to get a taxi for me while I put on my shoes.

15 minutes later, in the taxi
"Where are you?"
"On my way, I'm at Hayam Wuruk right now. Where are you?"
"I'm here already, parking my car. I'll be waiting for you."

15 minutes later, still in the taxi
"Hey, where are you?"
"Coming up on the SCBD complex. You there already?"
"Yeah. Just meet me up at the Daily Bread okay?"
"Sure thing."

5 minutes later
"Do you want me to drop you off here or at the lobby?"
"The lobby would be fine. There's no problem, of course?"
"No, none at all."
The taxi is turning into the wrong building.
"Uhm, sir, this is not the JSX building. This one is Artha Graha building. JSX is over there."
"Oh, really? I'm sorry! But how do we get there?"
"I think we should go circle around this road before we could get there."
"Oh, yeah, you're right. Sorry, I forgot."
"That's okay sir, just get me there."

5 minutes later, the JSX
"Where are you? I thought you said that you would be waiting at the Daily Bread?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm already upstairs. Come up and I'll meet ya."
I rean upstairs.

1 minute later, upstairs
"Wait a minute. What's the deal with asking me for another ID? I've already given them my ID in the lobby for a guest card and now they're asking for another one again? I mean, c'mon! Don't you think it's a bit redundant? Did they asked you to do the same too?"
T showed me two guest cards
"I see. Fucked up. I can't believe this. What kind of guest management is this?"

The place is called "The Center of Stock Exchange Information"...
or something like that.
T needed to get some data and information for his thesis. I accompanied him because he asked me to. I'd already have the data I need for my thesis. Well, at least I get to go out of the house with what seems to be a very good excuse (finding more information for my thesis). T asked around and browsed the place for mutual fund information and data. We spent about half an hour in that place. While waiting, I read an article in Newsweek about iPod. After reading it, I was thinking about getting one myself one day when I have enough money.

9 o'clock in the morning
T was talking on his cell phone.
"Sir, you're not suppose to use your cellphone here."
T ended his phone conversation.
"Oh, I see. But I don't see any signs that says so. Weren't you suppose to put up signs so that people know? I don't see 'em anywhere."
"Yes, you're right."

1 minute later, walking downstairs.
"What's the deal with these security guards? Why do they have to be such pushovers?"
"I don't know, man. That's why I asked about the signs."
"Shit man, these people, they have no respect. Somebody should teach them manners."

15 minutes later, in T's BMW
"Where are you going after this?"
"I'm meeting up with someone over at Niaga Tower. I don't think you could come along with me. Sorry, but it's business. Do you want me to drop you off somewhere? I could drop you off at the office. H may be there. Hey, why don't you give him a call and ask him where he is?"
"Hmmm, I don't know...okay I'm calling him."
"Hey, where are you?"
"I'm in Kemanggisan right now. I'm visitting a customer right now. Where are you right now?"
"I'm with T. We just went to JSX."
"I see. Hey wanna grab lunch together?"
"How bout Plaza Senayan?"
"Hey, T, how bout going to Plaza Senayan?"
"Sounds good. Yeah, let's go there first. I could drop you off there."
"Okay, let's meet up for lunch at Plaza Senayan."
"Sure thing. See ya there."

about 15 minutes later (maybe, starting to lost track of the time elapsed)
"You're coming with me to Plaza Senayan?"
"Yeah, I'll hang out with you for awhile before going to Niaga Tower."
"I see. Dude I can't wait to go there. I need to take a dump."
"Same here. You know me."

After taking a dump, me and T walked around the place. We visited Sogo and Kinokuniya bookstore. He asked me about his thesis, about when he should call his lecturer who was assisting him in his thesis. Not long after that T left me and went to Niaga Tower. And I was alone at Plaza Senayan. At least for awhile.


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