Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Sunday, August 01, 2004

It's Sunday, and supposedly God is on holiday, but people just keep pestering Him/Her/It

Woke up late. Hey, it was Sunday. Don't give me that look. Did nothing all day. I think I sent a couple of sms to a couple of friends. But I stayed home most of the morning and afternoon. Oh yeah, I watched American Splendor. It was a good movie. Quite touching.

Went to the church in the late afternoon. T called before me, my brother and my mom went to the church, said that he wanted to meet me. We decided to meet at EX. It's the nearest hang-out place that we both like. So, after church (God's having a day off, and we kept him/her/it busy during His/Her/Its rest, not respectable weren't we?) I went straight to EX.

Waited awhile for T to arrive. Listened to a live performance of some band playing Maroon 5's 'This Love' while waiting. I like that song a lot. Not long after that T arrived. We went to a Japanese restaurant (which I forgot the name). T asked a couple of questions concerning his thesis. Asked for some advice also. Hope I'd been a good help for him.

Of course it was fun just hanging around, looking at all the nice people milling around in EX (especially the girls, of course). T deliberately chose a table with a nice view of the walkway in front of the restaurant. He said that he was using me as a 'bait', so the girls would look our way. I'll take that as a compliment. Though I didn't feel like anyone was looking our way.

After dinner, we went to Gloria Jean's. The place was a bit empty. Well, it was to be expected. It was Sunday and most people prefer to stay at home and prepare for the week ahead. Personally, I hate Mondays, that ole' girlfriend of mine.

After hangin' around for about a half hour, T dropped me home. And that was it for my Sunday. Monday's waiting around the corner.


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