Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Monday, March 15, 2004

A Windy and Drizzling Night

The night was windy and it was drizzling. I walked out of the parking lot of my campus and waited at the sidewalk for a taxi. Not long one came, and I hailed it. In the taxi, on my way home, I pondered about the things I'd done during the day.

Today me and my campus colleagues had our FIA final test. It was also the final day on my lecture schedule. After this there would be no more classes, no more tests. It would be harder for us to get together, especially since everyone would be busy with their thesis.

Before going home, everyone talked about going to Dufan the next day. We wanted to celebrate our last day of lecture. We agreed that anyone who wanted to go had to be at the campus around 9 o'clock in the morning. Well, they'd probably be late anyways...

The street was empty that night. A bit unusual for a Monday night. It was probably because of the wind and the rain. Everyone probably went home earlier tonight to seek some comfort and protection from the elements. I enjoyed the silence.

As usual, I studied together with my friends from early afternoon till early evening in the preparation for this test. I could feel that my friends were all tired from studying. I could feel no enthusiasm in them. Neither could I feel mine. We were all exhausted from a year of studying for our master degree. I really needed to get my study over and done with as soon as I could.

I got home around 10, luckily it was still drizzling lightly so I didn't get soaked. Found my Mom at the dining room. She asked about my day and the test. Told her I did okay. I hoped my friends did okay too. The test was quite hard. Most of the examples of problems we studied didn't come out in the test.

Found my brother in front of the computer, doing his assignment. Asked him what's up, and he said everything's cool.

Dingo was quite playful tonight. Got scars all over my hands. That was his way of playing with me. Biting. After he got enough of me he went back to my servant, Yati.

Took a bath. Enjoyed it. The feeling of water running on my body was great, as always.
Called my girlfriend, talked for about 40 minutes before calling it a night.
Now I'm writing this journal.

The silence of the night, the wind sighing in the night, the drizzling rain. A perfect night for a good night sleep yet I'm in front of the computer, typing my journal. But still, I've always been in love with the wind and the rain. To me, they're soothing. It's as if I could find assurance in them.
Well, that's it for today. I bid the world a good night. Especially for the people of Jakarta. Good night.