Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Sunday, July 25, 2004

A Day of Meetings


There was a reunion of my elementary school friends today. It was fun. So many things have changed, but I guess some things still stay the same.

Thamrin was closed in the afternoon, I took a bus to Karet so my friend could pick me there. We went to Citos to meet up with the others. They're my college friends. It's nice to have friends who still contact you and hang out with you. Friends are a rare commodity these days.

Truthfully, I regretted not going to a family event. An old man, a relative from my dad's side, was looking for me. Mom told me the guy likes me a lot. My mom said that back when I was only a small boy the man used to ask me to do some drawings for him. I couldn't remember the guy. I wanted to meet him. Sometimes it is a pleasure having someone who still remembers you and still looks for you. It's an honor to be remembered. Memories are precious treasures.

Discussed a book with M titled "The Da Vinci Code", a novel by Dan Brown. It has lots of controversial stuff in there. Controversial stuff always intrigue me and M. We would discuss a lot of things. We would hypothesize, ponder, discuss, rant, whine, complain about life and it's complexities, how simple life would be if it weren't for the complexities that people make. Hell, it would be boring if it were simple, though. But I'm glad I have someone to talk about these stuff (read: to rant and whine with). M dropped me home, as always.

I've said it so many times before and I'm going to say it again: knowledge is a two-edge knife. My elementary school friends said that I was a good boy back then. Well, I don't think I'm like that anymore right now. Though I would like to be. Knowing too much has its price. Sometimes I wish I knew better back then, sometimes I wish I'd stayed the same. Damn, I don't know what I want.


Right now is really a bad moment to start thinking too much again! Ha ha ha!

Hell, I guess all I need to know right now is that I'm still alive, I'm happy meeting some of my elementary school friends again, I'm happy meeting my college friends again. I felt a tinge of regret in the corner of my heart for not meeting that old relative. But hey, I still have breath in my body, he does too. Chances are abound.


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