Just Passing By...

Well, I'm just passing by...

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Another (Not-so) Usual Friday

Went to the campus, met some of my friends. Some from the finance class, some from the marketing class. It was nice, we were chatting, joking, asking how things were going, and doing all those things that friends and acquaintances do when they get together. It was kinda hard putting our class together to meet up after the concentration, since each class was doing different things at different times. It was a rare occasion, meeting up like this. It was fun.

D's getting married this August.
"Hey, seems like you've put on some weight!"
"Owwww, I have, haven't I. Ohhh, this is bad! I hate it!"
"No, it's not. You look awful when you were skinnier back then. You look better this way. As usual, I'd say I still like your butt." *grin*
"Ihhhhhhh!!!!!", she grinned and shied away. Ha ha ha, I like it when she does that.
No matter what, girls like attention.

Talked for a long time with my senior, who happened to just finished his final paper examination. Asked him lots of stuff, like, how I could create portfolios, how to count VaR, how to calculate other financial stuff, how to answer tough questions from the examiners, what to say and what not to say, and the likes. Got lots of help and hints from him. Got his work too, softcopy, for me to read. It was great. It could really help me with my thesis' progress (which, up until now, pretty much lagging).

"Shit, man, the examiner was Mr. Z!"
"Yeah, dude, like, I heard. He's one tough bastard. How'd he treat you?"
"Well, good thing I could answer his questions. Too bad for R though, he took a lot of beatings. He got B+"
"Well, congratz man. You walked away with an A. That's pretty amazing."
'Yeah, dude thanks."
"How long was it?"
"It was probably around 20 minutes. Dude, like, never EVER say the weaknesses of your calculation methods. Remember that! And never mention any assumption, coz they sure as hell will try to bring you down with that."
"I'll try to remember then, man."

My angels were also there. As usual, they always come in three. And whenever I went to the campus, either by appointment or coincidence, they would almost always be there, the three of them. Ya know, study, look for learning materials, gossips, jokes, chitchat. Ha ha ha, they declared themselves "@r13's Angels". How appropriate.

Watching TV
"Hey, she became fat again after the marriage!"
"Ha ha ha, they sure are funny coming up with that in a telenovela."
"How's AD?"
"Probably trying to get himself to be the cover of the next issue of Men's Health magazine."
"Him? Yeah right!"
"I mean, c'mon, his body's built."
"Yeah, I know. Tried pinching his arm once. Couldn't. No body fat at all."
"Really? Yeah, I guess. And he's got broad shoulders too"
"Too bad he's bald though."
"Hey, A, probably it'll work. They'll use his body on the cover and then replace the face with yours!"
"HA HA HA!! That'll be the day."
Two women walked by.
"Hey, did you see that?"
"See what, M?"
"That woman, the one in pink, she's sexy, A!"
"So what?"
"You're not interested?"
"Not my type."
"Why is it that you're the one who's more interested in sexy girls than A, M?"
"She's sexy, E!"
"Yeah, I know! But why is it that it's always you who point them out to us?"
"Yeah, you always do that, M!"
"Hey, don't side with E, C!"
"Ha ha ha, you girls sure are a riot!"

Later on in the evening, I went out with three of my best friends. Had dinner at Plaza Semanggi and we watched Harry Potter there (and I personally think that the movie's a lot better than the previous two, in many ways, though I'd say that the climax' a little bit off).

Watching the movie screen
"Ohh, now I remember!! That rat's Peter! Ron's rat is Peter!"
"Yeah, and that was why Harry couldn't see him. He was expecting a person, not a rat! Ha ha ha, now I really remember. It's been a long time since I read the book."
"And where is Sirius? Did he really betray Harry's parents?"
"Uhm, just watch and see. Not gonna spoil them all to you!"

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Moments come and gone

Sick looking at the computer monitor all day, I left the computer lab and went outside with my CD player and my book. I'd been feeling unease lately, kept looking for peace and tranquility and not succeeding.

Eating a couple of wafer sticks and drinking softdrink, I listened to Norah Jones' Sunrise. It was a beautiful song. It soothed my troubled heart somehow...

Enjoying the song, laying back on the cafetaria chair (careful not to let myself fall backward) closed my eyes as these words ran across my mind:

sunrise, sunrise
how I long for your shine
in the morning when I wake up
how I long to see
your web of lights
shining through
the window of my soul

sunrise, sunrise
how I long for the light
that glorious light
arise all creatures of the day
for a new day has begun
let the sweeping warmth of the fire
chase away the remaining fragrance of the night

sunlight, sunlight
how I long for the truth
that shines through the windows of my heart
lighting the beauty of the world

sunrise, sunrise
thy light the harbinger of the passage of time
a portend of a new time
a song for a new day

sunrise, sunrise
How I miss your light in my soul

It was a peaceful song, and for a moment brought me a sliver of peace in my heart. So easily moments come and gone. And so must this moment pass.

so is the beauty of life, never is there a moment more beatiful than the present moment. I cherished them, and when they pass, carried away by death and time, I shall not mourn for another will come and my life would never be empty. And may the Great One grant me the gift to see the present in a better light. In the light of the sunrise.